Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Democrats need 180 degree reverse!

Our majority vote was cancelled! The neutralizing of the 2006 and 2008 majority vote occurred when Obama selected Rahm Emanuel ( think ultimate insider responsible for dissing Howard Dean, selecting Blue Dogs and a staunch supporter of AIPC) and Geithner & Summers (think the guys who engineered the financial crisis). Obama owns these selections. These choices put the administration of "hope and change" in the middle of politics as usual (think political decisions controlled by the desire to stay in Washington until you are as old as Strom Thurmond). With huge donations from medical corporations and the banks/Wall Street our empowered Democrats forgot who put them in the majority. They proceeded to anger the voters on both sides by catering to the banks and ignoring the needs of the people. If Obama and the Democratic members of Congress can see past their personal interests to the extreme need to create jobs and knock the banks and Wall Street down to manageable size they may have a chance to hold onto their jobs and actually help the nation. If they don't do a 180 reversal the collection of gun carrying, "No New Tax" groups will have their way. Screams of "you are stealing my freedoms" and "Socialism" and race baiting come from ignorance but the underlying anger is understandable. We either reverse course or end up with a very mean spirited group of sadly confused violent people in charge of our country. What is it going to be???
