Thursday, March 31, 2011

With a friend like Israel who needs enemies

The American support of Israeli occupation of Arab land and the consequent murder of innocent civilians is the single most disruptive event in the Middle East since the Crusades. The financing and arming of Israel by American administrations is a major contributor to the fanatical anger directed toward America by Muslin extremists around the world.
Possibly equal to our ill considered, one-sided support for the Jewish State is our internal censorship of anyone in America who questions our relationship with Israel. John Mearsheimer and Steven Walt, both distinguished scholars, discussed the negative effects of the relationship between the US and Israel in “ The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy”. Jimmy Carter in his book "Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid" pointed to Israel’s inhumane treatment of the people living in Palestine. Mearsheimer, Walt and Carter have been pilloried for their ideas. Bitter controversy has been generated by their writings. The phrase “antisemitic” is frequently attached to critics of our Israel policies. Current presidential candidates words are scrutinized to see if a possible lack of support for Israel can be teased out of their speeches. Fundamentalist ministers roar disapproval of any discussion that would consider reducing Israel’s control over US politics. Christian Zionists work to thwart a fair two state solution in the belief that Christians cannot experience the return of Jesus until Israel controls all of the ancient area once occupied by Jews. These arguments would be considered food for comedians if the effects of the pro Israel lobby was not causing devastation to the Palestinian people, hurting our relationship with our allies and decreasing our national security.
Today each political candidate swears our (America’s) commitment to the absolute support of Israel. One of the first stops on a candidates road to the elections is at the American Israeli Political Action Committee Convention (AIPAC ). American children from the earliest days of their education in public schools are told about the Holocaust, Ann Frank and of the close relationship today between the US and Israel. In religious settings our children hear about the glorious wars fought by the Jews in Israel against the Arab "terrorists". These same children do not hear the details of the Israeli occupation of the land in which Palestinians have been living for thousands of years. They do not hear that Israeli drones fly over the heads of Palestinian residents guiding missiles at the homes and cars of people suspected of fighting to expel the Israelis from their lands. They do not hear that Israeli armored vehicles can go anywhere in the Palestinian lands and destroy houses and kill civilians in the name of fighting “terrorists”. They do hear that the people of Israel have lost several hundred lives to Arabs suicide bombers and homemade rockets but the deaths are not placed in the context of Israel’s occupation. The fact that the Israeli army has killed thousands of Arab civilians in its war to maintain the occupation and expand Israeli settlements is played down. Much of the killing of Arabs has been done with weapons from America. We hear the Israeli government refer to the Arabs as "terrorists” when the Israeli are the occupiers. Israel controls access to and from all areas in Palestine. They control the importing of oil for generators and the access to medicine. The Israeli army limits access to adequate food supplies. Israel controls all aspects of Palestinian life.
Would we fight, with any means at our disposal, if Palestinian conditions existed in America? As Americans we must sever the umbilical cord between Christianity and Judaism and look at the effects of our policy toward Israel on a worldwide scale. This is not an “anti-Semitic” position but rather a position needed to improve our national security and to rebuild our relationships with the rest of the world.
If “Homeland Security” is what we want then we need to email, phone and go to the offices of our representatives in our States and in Washington and ask them reconsider our irrational support of Israel? Tell your representative that our Israel Policy is hurting America. Ask them to vote for equal financial support for the Palestinians and the Israelis. Ask them to stop supplying Israel with weapons. Ask them to stand for a fair policy in the Middle East. Ask them to make America secure by demonstrating a fairness in a land that believes we are the reason Israel does not withdraw from the lands of the Palestinians. A real two state dream is possible if America will stand up for the rights of the Arabs as well as the needs of the people

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